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Card Resources

Get the most out of your Members First Credit and Debit Cards with helpful resources including card management and mobile, wallet solutions, and more.

24/7 Card Management

With the MyCardRules app, you can manage your Members First debit or credit card from anywhere. Set location controls for added security, create purchase limits and alerts for budgeting, and lock your card when lost or stolen.

Get the MyCardRules App:

Apple Store   Google Play Store


Mobile Wallet

Paying is painless and contactless with Apple Pay® and Google Wallet™ compatibility.

When making a purchase, mobile wallets use a device-specific number and unique transaction code to pay for your items so that your card number and identity are not shared with the merchant.


Apple Pay

Apple Pay provides a simple and easy way to use your iPhone® or Apple Watch® to pay in-person or online.

Set up Apple Pay

Add your Members First Credit or Debit Card by selecting the Apple Passbook or Wallet icon. Select the + sign in the upper right corner of your screen.

Using Apple Pay

Look for the Apple Pay symbol at checkout and place your phone near the contactless reader. Hold your phone or watch by the reader until it vibrates and beeps, indicating your payment was successful.

If making a purchase within an app or online, select Apple Pay at checkout to pay for your purchase.

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Google Wallet™

Google Wallet is a digital wallet that allows you to securely store your cards, tickets, passes, keys, and IDs.

Set up Google Wallet

Getting started is simple. Open the Google Wallet app or download it on Google Play. Tap ‘Add to Wallet’, follow the instructions to add your Members First Credit or Debit Card, and verify your card if needed. You're all set!

Using Google Wallet

When you're ready to pay, unlock your phone, hold it near the reader and look for the check mark to know your payment has been accepted. That's it!

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Tired of updating your payment information on multiple sites every time your card changes? Yeah, so were we.

CardSwap is the convenient way to update your Members First Debit or Credit Card at your favorite online shopping and streaming services without the hassle of visiting each vendor’s site. Whether your card number changes or you’re switching from another financial institution’s card, CardSwap makes it easy to update your information all in one place.

Learn More

Change PIN or Activate Card

Give us a call at 800.290.7893 if you are in the U.S., or 206.624.7998 for international calls.

Report Lost or Stolen Card

Please call 888.297.3416 if you are in the U.S. (206.389.5200 for international calls), or contact the credit union at 855.835.6328.


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